
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Legal Breakthrough for Gays; Setback for Trees

Andrew Sullivan reports that the South African Supreme Court of Appeals has ruled 4-1 in favor of allowing Gay Marriage (more here and here). As one of his emailers noted, "freedom is on the march," except where President Bush is trying to stop it. If anybody can find the link to the actually ruling and opinions themselves, I'd be very appreciative.

Meanwhile, if any of you wonder why I follow law, its because occassionally something like this case pops up:
Fisher v. Lowe, 333 N.W.2d 67 (Mich. App. 1983), which reads, in its entirety:

We thought that we would never see
A suit to compensate a tree.
A suit whose claim in tort is prest
Upon a mangled tree's behest;
A tree whose battered trunk was prest
Against a Chevy's crumpled crest;
A tree that faces each new day
With bark and limb in disarray;
A tree that may forever bear
A lasting need for tender care.
Flora lovers though we three,
We must uphold the court's decree.

Now, wasn't that worth reading?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Aww. Professor Bigel would be proud. ^_~

