
Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Irony Gods Hate Me

Typical. I receive another link from Powerline. An ensuing Power-lanche results. My hit counts go way up. And what is second from the top on the blog? Why, it's my set of proto-marxist debate evidence! That's the way to endear me to my new guests!

Powerline worries (well, maybe "worries" isn't the right word) that now that I've joined The Centrist Coalition, they don't have a favorite liberal blogger. I still like to think of myself as a Liberal, not in the reactionary Kossack/Michael Moore sense, but in the older Truman/Wilsonian sense. My positions on most social issues is still fairly leftwing (as the comments to this post--probably responding to a Powerline reader--make clear). I have a on-going love affair with critical theorists (IE, Catherine MacKinnon, Richard Delgado, et al) that you certainly won't find anywhere near the "center" of American politics. And considering that it is my old pals the Democrats who have taken up the mantle of fiscal responsibility, I guess I'm economically liberal too. So I'm socially a libertarian-style liberal, economically a fiscal responsbility/pro-poor policy liberal, and internationally a Truman/Wilsonian interventionist liberal. Which in today's political climate makes me...a Centrist.

Which is why I will never enter politics.


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    You mention that "it is ... Democrats who have taken up the mantle of fiscal responsibility". You have forgotten that 10 Democrats, representing the full spectrum of the party, sought the party's 2004 nomination for President and ALL 10 proposed tax increases and spending increases EXCEEDING the tax increases. Result, BIGGER budget deficit. Sorry, but Democrats favor only tax and spending increases, not fiscal responsibility.

  2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Yay! I've finally found another Truman Democrat! I need to call my mother.

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Someone's taken up that mantle? Last I saw, it had been left crumpled at the side of the road with muddy bi-partisan footprints all over it.

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