
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Clinton Positions Herself: Parts II and III

Let's see. Clinton takes on violent, sex-drenched videogame company. A week later, the company admits that the sex-scenes are of it's manufacture and the game is re-rated to Adults Only, likely costing the company millions. Clinton will take loads of credit.

Clinton: 1
Other People: 0

Not only that, but Southern Appeal notes that Clinton may be willing to vote for Judge Roberts. Frankly, I don't consider this to be a revelation. I have not seen much of an outpouring of opposition to Roberts amongst liberals, indeed, the only even quasi-negative reactions I've heard so far are Randy Barnett's worries that Roberts is so used to being a litigator that he won't have a solid, principled core, and of course Ann Coulter's "Souter-lite" gripe. But SA is still right--Clinton has loads more maneuvering room than most Democratic contenders--she can be as moderate and reasonable and sensitive and bipartisan as she wants, and the base will still adore her.

Clinton: 2
Other People: 0


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    lol you forget, though: she's hillary clinton

    hillary clinton: 2
    other people: 1

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    i'm offended! why did nst automatically assume i was male? bah. and i think the point i was making wasn't about her being married to clinton...just that there's so many polarizing opinions about her. -Sunny

  3. Damn, Nick, you just offended the wrong gal. Sunny is a stone-cold killer. She will hunt you, track you down, murder you in your sleep (if you're lucky--I'd hate to be awake when she gets her revenge).

    Sleep with one eye open ;-)...

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Haha right. I will kill with my....super high stilettos! Yeah! (And seeing as I'm such a killer, why haven't you listened to my threats and visited me, huh? We need a JSA reunion!) -Sunny
