
Friday, September 16, 2005

This is Funny on So Many Levels

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claims that the U.S. is planning to invade his country, and that he has the "documentary" evidence to back it up (I'm assuming that's a typo by CNN for "documented," but who knows? Maybe Michael Moore embarked on another project). The nerve of us, after all the help they gave us after Katrina! We should be ashamed. [/sarcasm]

But Chavez knows how to play hardball too. In the event of an invasion, Chavez warned, American can "just forget" about receiving any more oil from the country (you just can't make this stuff up). And, he added, if they occupy Caracas, he might not send flowers to the States on the 4th of July (okay, that part I made up).

Not that I think there is a whit of evidence we are going to attack Venezuela, but if we did? Call me skeptical, but I really don't think that Chavez will be able to stop us from getting however much oil we want. But maybe I'm wrong, and the unknown and untested Venezuelan military will win the biggest upset since Vietnam (ranking only slightly ahead the Red Sox coming back from down 3 games to beat the Yankees last year).

Set your bets now, ladies and gentlemen.


  1. Anonymous11:21 PM


    Its NOT funny. Chavez CAN repell the US just as the Iraqui Insurgents are repelling the US now. They can by unconventional aims. Second, if you think the region will sit still, youre dead wrong. Im sure many LAtin Americans would gladly sign up for an insurgent campaign. This "invasion" will make the situation worse then now like the Iraq war has too. Also, the US is broke and its military broken....a draft? LOL....

    On top of that, Im sure Venezuela would gladly join up with Alqaeda/Hisbollah etc to bring the war to the US.

    Before you say, well Iraq aint Venezuela, I say remember Iraq isnt supposed to be Vietnam either buts it looking that way.

    Your thinking like a typical colonial power and colonial powers have destroyed themeselves with insurgencies helping the process.

    Your hubris is amazing man....LOL.


  2. Anonymous11:24 PM

    second, if US invades Iran or Vene, the rest of the world will ruin the US by selling of the dollars they hold...(O: as a weapon....hows that?

    Thats the only way you deal with criminal attitudes like the one you posts. U think honestly the world wills it by as the US invaeds another oil rich nation?

    U crazy?


  3. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I have an idea. I'm only an 18 year old kid from a rich part of town in the states with just a high school diploma. Just to let u know "Anonymous", Invades is spelled wrong and your grammar sux.

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Dunno what's so nutty about that. Panama, Grenada, Haiti (Bay of pigs comes into mind, too) - the US has a strong record on 'police actions' against latin american governments that happened to pursuit policies contrary to US interests. Typically, the CIA and statedepartment first bolster the opposition in those countries financially and logistically untile they are strong enough to ignite civil unrest, then US forces move in to establish law and order again. You're living on the dark side of the moon not to know this?

    In the case of Venezuela, there are strong reasons for concern. Combine the openly hostile stance of the Bush administration against the leftist policies of Chavez, US officials working with the opposition to 'support democracy', the fact that the US was one of the few (if not the only one) countries to recognize the rebel 'government' after the coup d'etat and this should give you enough headaches for the future of Venezuela. US interests clearly are affected since Chavez strongly supports other leftist governments and recently began to shift the oil exports from the US to China.

    But US chickenhawks have to be aware that the world has learned from the Iraq desaster. Chavez is beginning to build a strong militia wquipped with russian weapons that could prevent any successful occupation of their country. I don't like all of his political ideas, but he sure is a lot smarter than Noriega and most other latin american heads of state.

  5. Not one of your better posts, David. In fact, one of your worst. Think about it...

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    CM, as someone who has spent time in and has family in Venezuela I'd have to say your making some pretty big assumtions. We aren't invading anybody much less 'another oil rich country', that is of course there is another country with 17 UN violations. Chavez is a major thug that needs watching though .

    You also say 'the rest of the world will ruin the US by selling of the dollars they hold'. Who will they sell them to if the rest of the world is selling them, us? If thats the case, I'm pretty sure it will be at a pretty good discount, which would good for us but not so good for them.

  7. If Gray needs a parallel, he need look only as far as Chile.

    We have just passed the 32nd anniversary (another 9/11/73) of the coup d'etat that (with the overt assistance of the CIA) toppled the democratically elected government of Salvadore Allende and installed the military under General Pinochet.

    There are still over 100,000 people unaccounted for from the purges that followed.

  8. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Allende, good riddance. Not only was he fascist and anti-semite, but he was on the KGB payroll.
