
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blago's Choice

Rod Blagojevich has announced his appointment for Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat: former Illinois AG Roland Burris. Kagro X has a good run-down of the various issues in play here, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's insinuation that he might not be seated. Burris, as far as I can tell, is a clean politician (both generally and specifically with regards to this controversy), but of course, he's tainted by the mere fact that he's associated with Blagojevich. The appointment also puts Democrats in a tight spot, as they may be faced with trying to deny seating to the man who would be the sole Black Senator in the entire body (for some reason, I imagine Republicans will find this significantly less awkward).


  1. first i dont know why there is a link to this post from my site. it makes no sense. Beyond that...

    I think there is a much better chance of not sitting him because he is a democrat appointed by a democrat. Reid will feel pressure to show some sort of opposition to Blago on principal from the GOP and the media. Had this been a GOP appointment they simply would have said that he was clean and so the appointment should stand and dems should get over it. The dems would capitulate and that would be the end. In this case though there is just not a huge push to allow the appointment.

  2. It's picking the link up from that feed you have in the sidebar of your blog.
