
Monday, May 09, 2011

Rick Santorum Comes Out Against Pre-School

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum (R) thinks pre-school education is basically fascism in another garb (via):
Rick Santorum, a possible candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, even raised the specter of Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Italy in a speech here Friday night while explaining why his grandfather emigrated to the U.S. His uncle, he said, “used to get up in a brown shirt and march and be told how to be a good little fascist.”

“I don’t know, maybe they called it early pre-K or something like that, that the government sponsored to get your children in there so they can indoctrinate them,” Santorum said.

I know what he means. Pre-school was all about getting you to stand in orderly lines and march inside when dear leader teacher tells you to. There's all this emphasis on sharing and respecting differences and not resolving conflicts by punching people in the face. Basically, it's a Islamo-fascist-Marxist-liberal-leftist-Obamacare nightmare come true.


  1. wpgipson@olemiss.edu9:06 AM

    Hello Ex-Senator Santorum, In case that you have not figure out why you are an Ex-Senator. Here one fact, If your grandfather had to run from men wearing Brown shirts,he would have been getting out of Germany, In Italy, the Fascists wore black shirts! So, go buy a few history books, not associated with David Barton. You might learn a few things.

  2. Hello Ex-Senator Santorum, In case that you have not figure out why you are an Ex-Senator. Here one fact, If your grandfather had to run from men wearing Brown shirts,he would have been getting out of Germany, In Italy, the Fascists wore black shirts! So, go buy a few history books, not associated with David Barton. You might learn a few things.
