
Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Radical Center

Count me as part of this group:
"[DLC Policy Chief Ed] Kilgore is part of a remarkable phenomenon: the radicalizing of the center left. He's part of a crowd that includes people like Paul Krugman, Al Franken, Howard Dean, Atrios, and [Kevin Drum]: liberals who are basically fairly moderate in policy terms but who have been appalled to discover that what seems unthinkable actually appears to be true. The modern Republican party really does seem to want to wreck the federal government."

I consider myself center-left in terms of policy, but I come off as an extremist when it comes to the Republican party. This is because while I am drifting to the right, the GOP is racing off into rightwing oblivion, and they are using some of the shadiest and most underhanded tactics to bring the rest of us with them.

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