
Monday, August 29, 2005

It's Good To Be King--I Mean Governor

Things are not well in the heart of Appalachia. Kentucky is currently embroiled in a giant corruption scandal. No less than nine members of Governor Ernie Fletcher's administration are currently under investigation for a variety of felonies and misdemeanors. Or, rather, they were--until Governor Fletcher decided to issue a blanket pardon to all of them.

It could have been worse--the original rumor on the street was that the Governor was going to pardon himself as well. As it stands now, he still will testify in front of the Grand Jury--and by "testify" I mean "appear," since he's already stated he'll be taking the 5th the entire way through.

Blue Grass Report has been doing a great job covering this issue, but the best part was their flashback feature to then Rep. Fletcher's and other Republicans responding to scandals in Governor Patton's administration. Fletcher ran specifically to contrast himself from the scandal-plagued Patton--and look at him now. Pulling every trick in the book to get out of jail. Democrats are fuming, and considering impeachment.

But the last laugh may be the Donkey's. BGR reports that the pardons may make it more likely Fletcher sees jail time, because now his underlings can't take the Fifth when they're called to testify (first person to say that this is proof Fletcher wants to make sure justice is done gets smacked).

The wheels are coming off the wagon...

1 comment:

  1. Great coverage. Thanks from this Kentuckian.

    It makes me think that we need to change the pardoning laws. Surely those weren't put in place so that a governor can get himself and his cronies out of trouble?

    Well, here's hoping he's hung hisself on his own petard. Whatever that means.
