
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Now I'm Two!

This blog turns two years old today! I can't decide whether the time has flown by or crawled. Of course, two years old is quite a run in the blog world--I consider myself quite the veteran. I would link to my first week of posts, but I'm embarrassed--I don't think they were very good. You can check them out in my archives if you truly desire.

I need to thank Belle Lettre, for posting a happy blog-birthday message on her blog before I did. Also, of course, my indulgent host, Joe Gandleman at The Moderate Voice, and all my lovely co-bloggers there. All of the bloggers on my blogroll deserve mention--I don't believe in link-trading, so anyone who is there is someone I geniunely have gotten something out of--but especially my readers from the opposing side of the aisle who keep me honest and (on the flip side) give me potential converts.

As with all bloggers, I have my moments where I am "up" on blogging and moments where I'm "down" on blogging, and right now I'm recovering from a downswing. It's sometimes a lot of pressure to have something up and ready each and every day (this is why I'll never do journalism), and I always feel guilty when I think I'm not producing enough. But the opportunities I've found through blogging and the people I've met (or, more accurately, "met") have always made it worth it. I'm looking forward to many more posts, and I hope that you will continue to patronize this fine institution of commentary now and in the future.


  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I'm here to say Happy Birthday! I haven't been stopping in for quite as long as you've been here, but I do still stop in...

    Keep up the good work here and TMV, and I'm sure you'll last as long as you'd like.

  2. David,
    Happy blogiversary. On to three, eh?
