
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

We Know Whose Fault This Is

So the latest GOP spin on Foley-gate is that it's the fault of the all powerful gay Republican organization. Kevin Drum terms this "The Velvet Mafia." I don't have anything to add to the story, except regarding the name. "Velvet Mafia" is okay, but if we're talking about a secretive cabel of homosexual powerbrokers, the obvious name choice is "The Mauve Hand" (yes, I'm stealing from Robin Williams). I mean, seriously. Get with it, people.

In any event, this sordid story could put the final nail in Tom Reynolds' coffin at least. Even Hastert hasn't gotten rocked by this story as the New York congressman has.

1 comment:

  1. The Republican's definately need to stop trying to play this hand as a bluff or misdeal. Just hang the guy out to dry and be done with it.

    Does it really matter who tried to get Foley to stay after they alledgedly knew about the IMs? Foley is gone. Period. His pitiful attempt at blaming his sordid behavior on a mysterious clergyman is laughable. But what are the Dems trying to do with this scandal?

    It certainly matters to the Dems who think this will be thier winning ride in November- and judging by the reaction and actions of the Republican party it very well might be.

    Jon Stewart said last night that the Republicans need to embrace this scandal and to a certain extent I think he is right. Playing the Democrat Joker card is something I wish the GOP would put back into the sleeves of the Democrats (i.e. phoney blog site to expose Foley). How grand a party the Democrats would be if they would put the energy they spend on discrediting the GOP and divert it to real political planning and strategy.

    Something that I just have to shake my head at are the bloggers who are arguing whether or not 'pedophile' is the correct word or if it is sexual harrassment, pederast, etc. Does a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

    Just as any scandal on Capitol Hill, as the layers are chipped away more and more of the truth is exposed. Sometimes it exhonerates, sometimes it disgraces.
