
Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Noting her unique talent for convincing high-profile Republicans to switch to the side of the light, Ezra Klein pitches Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius as a good VP candidate for Barack Obama. The change motif, the ability to latch on to disaffected moderate Republicans uncomfortable with their party's extreme lurch to the right (e.g., Kathryn Lopez's remark that John McCain's opposition to waterboarding means he's "not one of us"), her status as a female governor from a state not generally seen as Democratic territory, all would synergize very well with an Obama campaign.

All good points, and perhaps controlling. But I do still worry about the narrative it will inevitably create if Barack Obama picks a female running mate. It doesn't matter that Sebelius is supremely qualified, fits well with Obama's message, and tactically comes from a region of the country that balances Obama's ticket (the plains states won't be competitive even with Sebelius on the ballot, but it's important to have a VP candidate that doesn't hail from a deep blue Democratic metropolis). Inevitably, it will be seen as pandering to the female vote which was scorned by Obama defeating Clinton; an "affirmative action" pick.

But then, the more coverage like that we see, the more satisfying it will be when we beat it.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Choosing a women candidate to appeal to women is "pandering"? Hmmm, so southern white male candidates are what? Good demographics? Hmmm...I think you need to get to your local university and take any gender class 101 before commenting on anymore "women's issues".

  2. I think it's pretty clear from the next sentence ("But then, the more coverage like that we see, the more satisfying it will be when we beat it.") that I find the idea that the "pandering" accusation is rather loathsome and that I view the best possible scenario as a Obama/Sebelius ticket that disproves that sort of BS. Predicting media misogyny is not the same thing as endorsing it.
