
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Frankenstein Veto

I'm no fan of the line-item veto, but even I am shocked by the cynicism displayed in this edition of it. You've got to read it to believe it.

Via my friend Eva Lam at Dem Apples (sorry about the Packers, Eva!).


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    In Doyle's defense, Tommy Thompson did it first.

  2. The initial reaction I had was "This just can not be true!!".

    Then I had to admit that the preposterous could be close to reality.

    I imagine that the only reason why politicians with this kind of approach to their jobs (irrespective of hue) keep getting re-elected because there are electors like anonymous (above).

    It is the same argument as is used for not banning drug cheats in sport -

    "Everyone does it. If you want to win you do it as well."

    Well, don't look to the candidates to fix the system. They are the system. Again that is said of both sides. Look instead for a fundamental shift in political culture.
