
Monday, July 28, 2008

Note to CNN


Could you find it in you to mention that once in your story?

Racial quotas have not been allowed since Bakke. The myth that they still are a relevant part of the debate is a huge barrier to actual public deliberation on the subject.

So DO YOUR F*@#%ING JOB, and let your readers know that.




  1. You're right that Affirmative Action (AA) is not a "quota" system.

    However the various departments that monitor compliance with AA use statistics to retrospectively accuse organizations of discrimination, whether it exists or not.

    Intent thus is no longer a component of guilt. It becomes a mere numbers game. And many organizations make sure their numbers look good in order to avoid any litigation.

    Hence while officially AA is not a quota it effectively becomes one.

  2. When Obama first went overseas, it was said he acted too Presidential. The man does not know what to do! Whatever he does is criticized. Even if he had gone to see the wounded troops, it would have been something wrong with that. The Media is trying their best to force Obama out of the race. It a damn shame the way he has been treated. In Germany, he had to introduce himself as a private citizen. I guess this did not go across well either.

    My God, when will someone open their eyes and stay away from John McCain and the Media? They are so negative when it comes to Obama. I made my mind up, not to listen to anymore of the News Media degrading Obama. From now on, it will be cable, and back to watching movies.

    Gee, if you don’t want a Black President just say so, why keep agonizing him? This is so disgusting too me, I am about to be sick. I am done, no more emails to any of your silly stations.

  3. When Obama first went overseas, it was said he acted too Presidential. The man does not know what to do! Whatever he does is criticized. Even if he had gone to see the wounded troops, it would have been something wrong with that. The Media is trying their best to force Obama out of the race. It a damn shame the way he has been treated. In Germany, he had to introduce himself as a private citizen. I guess this did not go across well either.

    My God, when will someone open their eyes and stay away from John McCain and the Media? They are so negative when it comes to Obama. I made my mind up, not to listen to anymore of the News Media degrading Obama. From now on, it will be cable, and back to watching movies.

    Gee, if you don’t want a Black President just say so, why keep agonizing him? This is so disgusting too me, I am about to be sick. I am done, no more emails to any of your silly stations.

  4. Anonymous7:52 PM

    When Obama first went overseas, it was said he acted too Presidential. The man does not know what to do! Whatever he does is criticized. Even if he had gone to see the wounded troops, it would have been something wrong with that. The Media is trying their best to force Obama out of the race. It a damn shame the way he has been treated. In Germany, he had to introduce himself as a private citizen. I guess this did not go across well either.

    My God, when will someone open their eyes and stay away from John McCain and the Media? They are so negative when it comes to Obama. I made my mind up, not to listen to anymore of the News Media degrading Obama. From now on, it will be cable, and back to watching movies.

    Gee, if you don’t want a Black President just say so, why keep agonizing him? This is so disgusting too me, I am about to be sick. I am done, no more emails to any of your silly stations.

  5. Anonymous7:53 PM

    When Obama first went overseas, it was said he acted too Presidential. The man does not know what to do! Whatever he does is criticized. Even if he had gone to see the wounded troops, it would have been something wrong with that. The Media is trying their best to force Obama out of the race. It a damn shame the way he has been treated. In Germany, he had to introduce himself as a private citizen. I guess this did not go across well either.

    My God, when will someone open their eyes and stay away from John McCain and the Media? They are so negative when it comes to Obama. I made my mind up, not to listen to anymore of the News Media degrading Obama. From now on, it will be cable, and back to watching movies.

    Gee, if you don’t want a Black President just say so, why keep agonizing him? This is so disgusting too me, I am about to be sick. I am done, no more emails to any of your silly stations.

  6. Affirmative ACtion always ends up as a defacto quota. Look at the University of Michigan, the separate admission criteria for blacks and Hispanics was calibrated to ensure that the number of blacks and Hispanics admitted to the University of Michigan match the percentage of black high school seniors in Michigan.

    The idea of critical mass also amounts to a quota. The critical mass of blacks and Hispanics students needed for whites (and Asians) to have a well rounded educaiton always seems to equal the percentage of blacks and Hispanics in the overall applicant pool.

    If 10% black entering freshman class in adequate for educational purposes in Michigan, then why does the number need to be higher in North Carolina and lower in Texas.

    I surprised that you brough up Bakke considering that the University of Michigan was in clear violation of the Bakke decision when it used separate admission criteria for blacks and Hispanics.

    Also, a progressive liberal like yourself should support openness in government decision. Every state university or university that accepts federal or state money should be required to fully inform all applicants (and everyone else) how the admissions criteria differ among different ethnic groups. The University of Michigan tried to hide its separate and unequal admission program.

    Also, you may want to look up how Virginia Commonwealth University was em brassed when it was revealed that it had a summer program for high school students that had a quota of zero for white students.

  7. Also, you may want to look up how Virginia Commonwealth University was em brassed when it was revealed that it had a summer program for high school students that had a quota of zero for white students.

    This illustrates perfectly that even non-quota efforts at affirmative action for college admissions will be screamed against as quotas. The summer program was intended to help black students reach their potential for college, thus ensuring that they could compete equally with white applicants instead of needing points added in their favor for race. But even attempts to help black high schoolers become competitive for college are decried and destroyed. With such a broad concept of what constitutes a "quota," no wonder SD believes that it's impossible to have affirmative action without it.

  8. You can read some data on the program at Virginia Commanwealth University

    I found the part about admitting the girl and then kicking her out after they found out she was white.

    Please explain how you can have an affirmative action program that is not a quota or does not violate the Gratz decision with having special preferences or different standards for whites/Asians versus others.

    Look at the Louisville Schools programs where all schools had to be between 15% and 50% black. A blatant quota that the Supreme Court struck down.

  9. Please explain how you can have an affirmative action program that is not a quota or does not violate the Gratz decision

    Simple -- focus the outreach toward underrepresented students who need more information or extra help. Or take the program that was ruled constitutional in Grutter. Why is this difficult? The Court in Grutter indicated what kind of program was acceptable.

  10. Of course, the voters of the State of Michigan when they voted down Affirmative Action, so who knows.

    I also doubt that any university would manage to use critical mass numbers without them quickly becoming a quota. Remember, the critical mass in Michigan seemed to magically match the percentage of the population that was black.

    I also find the use of "whole file review" nothing more than a clever way to admit blacks instead of better qualified whites and Asians. If a university admits blacks because of the life experiences but not whites, they will be caught read handed.

    The best solution would be for the university to ignore race and ethnicity instead of getting caught in the traps that places like the military academies often find themselves trapped in. See

  11. Even if you disagree with the Grutter majority's acceptance of "critical mass" (which I agree is awfully quota-like), Kennedy's dissent hangs onto Powell's opinion in Bakke to outline how race can be a consideration without being a quota.
