
Monday, August 18, 2008

Civil Rights Roundup: 08/18/08

Your daily dose of civil rights and related news

I'm not sure I agree with this reading of Frederick Douglass' career, but the comparison to Obama is interesting nonetheless.

Virginia's new project to use DNA evidence to help exonerate falsely convicted prisoners continues.

The business community is throwing everything it has against the Ledbetter Fair Pay act.

The Kosher plant that was targeted in the Postville raid is having trouble getting itself back up and running.

How can we make it easier for our men and women in uniform to vote while overseas?

ACORN is looking to register Houston's poorest residents as voters.

An CAR native who came to the US legally for military training may be deported back to Africa, where he will likely face execution for being a deserter.

As we get ready to go back to school (or at least some of us do), the AP has a set of interesting educational stats to look at.

An author is suing PETA for their campaign which attempts to analogize animal suffering to slavery. PETA is a tremendously obnoxious organization, but I can't believe this suit has any merit.

The other LCCR (Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law) is setting up a South Carolina hot line to which voters can report in election day problems, such as glitchy machines or intimidation.

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), who voted against Samuel Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court on the grounds that he was insufficiently committed to safeguarding equal opportunity, now thinks that vote was a mistake.

A growing number of students Florida and nationwide are receiving food stamps.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about Douglass, but I would dispute that article's characterization of *Obama.* I wish he was a progressive at heart who had come to understand the value of pragmatism in action. But as far as I can tell he's a centrist at heart who's hoping he can take advantage of progressive hopes.
