
Friday, May 08, 2009

Prom Night Roundup

I'm missing the season finale of Dollhouse tonight. And what should be a fine main event on Friday Night Fights. For it is Prom Night! at the law school (pronounced like "Panic! At The Disco"). And the lovely Ms. Rodde will be gracing my presence for the evening. Life is good. But not time to blog.

Left-wing Israeli politician Gershon Baskin talks about what is blocking Israel from seriously considering the Arab Peace Initiative.

Emily Bazelon points out that the "critiques" of Judge Sotomayor's "temperament" are strikingly familiar to those of us who've observed that every in a position of power who dares to show that she is competent runs a remarkable risk of being labeled a bitch.

Speaking of Judge Sotomayor, Professor Darren Hutchinson quite ably dissects the scare-mongering over her, focusing on her statement that appellate courts are "where policy is made".

Bizarre historical relic of the day: A 1926 newspaper announcement of a baseball game scheduled to take place between a Jewish ballclub and a team made up of KKK members.

Let's all celebrate that America's national security has been saved once more from the threat of the gay Arab linguist.

The FRC barely softened its stance on gay judges. Previously, they categorically rejected appointing gay judges, now, they only say "if a person does publicly identify as gay or lesbian, or particularly if a person has been involved with homosexual rights activism at any level, then there would have to be serious questions asked about whether he or she would impose a pro-gay ideology on the court."

The DRC announced an amnesty for crimes committed by domestic fighters in its troubled eastern sectors. The amnesty appears to cover "acts of war" but not "war crimes". Via Opinio Juris.

Tom Ridge, who recently turned down GOP entreaties to run, refuses to say if he'd support Pat Toomey over Arlen Specter in an expected Pennsylvania Senate match-up. To be fair, Ridge is now a Maryland resident, so he might not have a choice in the matter anyway.

And finally, since Sarah Haskins is like Jill's and my favorite person ever, her latest Current piece.

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