
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Good News, Jews!

I guess we get to screw all we want! In response to an ACLU suit over Mississippi's religiously inflected "abstinence only" programs, state Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant had this to say:
"I was so disappointed that the ACLU has decided that we don’t need to tell young women in the state of Mississippi about our faith; we don’t need to explain to them that abstinence, we believe, is related to our faithful Christianity beliefs."

Not sharing those beliefs, I guess we're in the clear. Par-ty!

Of course, as the linked post indicates, the other group that seems to be free to go at it like woodchucks are men (Christian or otherwise). It's women who have to protect their "no-no square" (I wish I was making that phrase up); men ought to catch what they can.


1 comment:

  1. "is related to our faithful Christianity beliefs" ... um, apparently people in Mississippi need grammar lessons in addition to actual sex ed!
