
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

French Connection

A new study reveals intense bias against French Muslims of Senegalese descent in the French job market (and a milder one against Christians of Senegalese descent). The study was modeled off the famous Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? study, which revealed similar (racial) biases in American labor markets. However, this topic is considerably less-studied in France because of that nation's near-fanatical devotion to "colorblindness" and the pure secular state. As this study pointedly demonstrates, that policy is an abject failure.


  1. N. Friedman11:46 AM

    Of course, the multicultural approach of places like the UK has also been an abject failure. In fact, apart from the US, there has been failure after failure in Westernized countries with respect to their Islamic communities. So, the racism theory seems only a partial answer. One also has to account for the ideological movements that have gained forced among Muslims.

  2. N. Friedman6:59 PM


    Not to change subjects, but you need to read this article by Benny Morris. He lays in excruciating detail the argument I have been making, namely, that there is no peace to be had between Israel and Palestinian Arabs and that the attempt, just now, is a fantasy. It is almost as if I had written the article, except, of course, that Morris has better access to information than I do and, of course, is a better writer than I am - not to mention a great historian.

  3. N. Friedman7:31 PM


    Your system ate my post. Be that as it may, I was posting an article by Benny Morris for you to read. I think it will help you with your understanding of the dispute. Here is the link.
