
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Workshop Roundup

Come to law school for the makeup class, stay for the workshop (actually going to the makeup class is apparently optional).

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Former Utah Gov. and Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman takes the bold (for a GOPer) stance that climate change is real and scientists are worth listening to -- except for the part where we do something about it. Oh well, baby steps.

Newt Gingrich's poll tests -- too extreme even for Rep. Allen West (R-FL).

Cornel West flips out at Barack Obama. Melissa Harris-Perry has the best response. My favorite part was West's outrage that a hotel bellhop could get tickets to Obama's inauguration, but he couldn't. Outrageous!

Ex-Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) declares John McCain knows nothing about torture, McCain's office responds with "who?"

PA President Mahmoud Abbas has a manifesto in the New York Times. Rebecca Lessee lets fly at it, but while I think a lot of her points are well-taken (and Abbas' misleading omissions and use of the passive-voice are aggravating), I'm beginning to come around to the notion that centering the Israel/Palestine discussion around endless sniping over narratives is probably not all that useful (though I continue to hope that respect for each others' stories is the "end game").

Hamas interviews one of the protesters at the Jordanian/Israel border. She misses the good old days when her father "massacred the Jews" of Hebron (she's 92 and originally from Hebron, so she's speaking from experience regarding the 1929 pogrom). Meanwhile, a Hamas official is licking his lips over the opportunity to wipe the Jews out.


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Apparently, this is the only angle of the protests worth noting?

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  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

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  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

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  5. Anonymous2:45 PM


    "DePaul University Sabra Hummus Ban: Students Vote In Referendum Over Ties To Israel"

  6. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Oh, man, dig the guy in that video talking about human rights abuses in a Che Guevara t-shirt. Parody much? Self-awareness FTW.

  7. Anonymous3:00 PM

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  8. Nice to read all the brave anonymous posters. Perhaps you should try making a point rather than just mocking David.

    David, I see your point about not dragging in all the past history so that we can focus on what's happening now. I usually feel that way, because arguing about what happened in 1948 could last until the sun explodes in a supernova some 5 billion years from now. (Well, I guess that's hyperbolic...). But since Abbas himself insisted upon telling a) his own narrative as a refugee and b) presented as truth statements that are can easily be shown to be false, I indulged my desire to fisk him.

  9. Anonymous3:31 PM

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