
Friday, May 24, 2019

A Bleg For Two Judicial Quotes

In my head, I remember two striking quotes from judicial opinions -- neither of which I can remember the source or even the precise verbiage of. In my mind, they're both from Judge Easterbook, though I can't confirm that.

The first goes something like this:
"On appeal, [Party] raises four issues, three of which won't survive the end of this paragraph...."
The second goes something like this:
"This case pits [Constitutional right], which is in the Constitution, against [other constitutional doctrine -- perhaps the Dormant Commerce Clause?], which is not."
Any help? Did they come from Will Baude? Did Will Baude used to have a personal website with favorite quotes? Am I completely hallucinating?

UPDATE: We got one! Bridenbaugh v. Freeman-Wilson (and yeah, it was a Judge Easterbrook opinion):
This case pits the twenty-first amendment, which appears in the Constitution, against the "dormant commerce clause," which does not.

1 comment:

  1. Second case is Bridenbaugh v. Freeman-Wilson:,34
