
Monday, July 08, 2019

Who Wants This?

Reports are that Tom Steyer, a billionaire famous for pushing the impeach Trump movement (and for being part of the triumvirate of Jewish-descended financiers -- alongside George Soros and Michael Bloomberg -- that Republicans love to portray as the mysterious cabal of greedy rich-os bringing down America and all we hold dear), is going to announce a run at the Democratic nomination for President.

Why? Why?

Every time I see a new announcement of a Presidential campaign, that's all I can ask. Why? But in particular:

(1) Why does Steyer think that there is a lane for him? What niche is he filling that isn't present in the 25(!) other candidates already running?

(2) Why does Steyer think there will be any enthusiasm for him? What makes him think that there is any non-trivial number of Democratic voters thirsting for an as-yet-not-present option in this race?

That second question is what really baffles me. It'd be one thing if there was some sense in the primary electorate that all the choices are mediocre and a desire for a titanic savior figure. But from what I've seen, if anything the mood runs in the opposite direction -- most Democratic primary voters like too many candidates. They're for Biden right now, but they're also warm on Booker and Harris. Or they like Warren, but also Sanders and Castro. Or they're torn between Buttigieg, Harris, and Inslee. Even the Sanders voters -- perhaps thought to be the most personally wedded to him specifically -- seem to be warming up to Warren (and, in more bizarre cases, Gabbard and/or Gravel of all people).

And at the same time as they're "suffering" from a glut of choices, the prevailing sentiment I've seen is eye-rolling at the ridiculous number of people in the race. Even if Steyer had some unique characteristic that could otherwise make him standout, it's going to be virtually impossible for his announcement to be greeting with anything other than "oh God, another one?" At this point I almost want to give props to Mark Zuckerberg of all people, who at least had the good grace to listen when it became apparent nobody was interested in him running for President. So far, anyway.

This all seems so obvious to me that I don't understand how it isn't obvious to Steyer, or Bullock, or Moulton, or Bennet, or Hickenlooper, or Ryan, or any of the obviously-not-going-to-come-close-to-winning candidates who are or are considering running for the nomination. Who do they think wants them? Who do they think wants more candidates?


  1. I think it's just vanity, as it was with Howard Schultz, even if Steyer is less clueless (but that's a low bar).

  2. We really need to tax rich people more, example #4389.

  3. Blame it on Trump.

    Take yourself back to the day Trump came down that escalator. On that day, how much of a chance did you figure Trump had to win the R nomination or the presidency? If you had to put a percentage number on the chances you gave Trump, would that number have even been as high as 1%? Would that number have been higher than the percent chance you're willing to give Steyer today?

    No one, probably not even Trump, thought he was going to win that day of the elevator descent. And yet he did win, kindling hope in the heart of every bored rich person in America that he could win too, despite no one imagining that he has a chance.

  4. The Presidency of the United States is not an entry level job. There must be some qualifications that candidates must meet other than being born in the United States. Future candidates must prove they have a knowledge of the Constitution, and our election and campaign laws. Every candidate should have written a paper on what their plan and policies are and will be should they be if elected to our highest office. If you should apply for a bank loan you would be required to present a business plan; should we require anything less from a future President?
