
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year!

I'm celebrating the ringing in of 2023 in two main ways:

(1) We're hosting a group of my college friends at my house (this group has met for new year's every year since graduation).

(2) I'm taking my laptop in for repairs, since it overheats constantly even when doing comparatively minor tasks, has done so since basically the day I bought it, and I want to get it fixed while it's still under warranty.

The latter, I imagine, means I will be without this laptop for at least a few weeks. It's possible I get a cheap netbook to tide me over. But it's possible I'll be computer-free for a little while. I can scarcely think of anything scarier (cornea surgery? Definitely not).

So if I am quieter around these parts through the beginning of the new year, that might be why. Regardless, I hope you have a happy and healthy new year, one full of all the best milestones and celebrations.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Years!!

    I'm glad to have found your blog in 2022 (Thanks to Haaretz).

    I look forward to reading more of your posts in 2023! While waiting for your computer to be fixed, I shall continue reading some of your old posts.

    Best wishes with your eye issues...and other stuff.
