
Friday, May 21, 2010

Colt 45

I saw a truck drive by advertising Colt 45 malt liquor. On the side, in big letters, was the tagline "Works Every Time!"

That's a rather baffling slogan, isn't it? I could understand "refreshing every time", or "delicious every time". But in what sense, other than getting you drunk, does malt liquor "work"?

Colt 45: For when you absolutely, positively, need to get smashed.


  1. Worse, maybe? It's a long-running tag line. A generous reading might be "it makes you like Billy Dee Williams, suave and popular." A less generous reading might be "it gets the ladies drunk."

  2. Yuck. Have you ever had Colt 45? It is neither delicious nor refreshing. It will however get you drunk. Broke people who absolutely positively need to get smashed are pretty much the demographic for 40s... them and hipsters who could afford better beer but think it's funny to drink swill.

  3. chingona8:30 PM

    I don't always drink malt liquor, but when I do, I prefer Mickey's.

  4. Stay hammered, my friends.

  5. David,
    It might also be a reference to the Colt 1911 and its reliability.

  6. Chingona is the most interesting woman in the world.
