Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Kyrsten Sinema: The Origin Story

Here are some quotes from a politician currently stumping in Michigan, rallying voters around the 2024 presidential race:
  • "[W]e do have a real opportunity to win something historic. We could deny Kamala Harris the state of Michigan. And the polls show that most likely Harris cannot win the election without Michigan."
  • "[The goal is] fighting to defeat Harris, not just symbolically but in reality. This is ground zero to punish Kamala Harris and defeat her."
  • "Ultimately, Harris is a more reliable and consistently controllable tool for billionaire interests."
  • "The Democrats were the party of slavery, and of slave owners — that’s in their history."
Now here is my question for you, dear reader: Based on these quotes, do you think this politician is (a) an utterly unremarkable, bog-standard conservative promoting the MAGA right, or (b) a self-described "leftist" campaigning on behalf of Jill Stein?

Guesses in? Answer: It's a trick question! Self-described "leftists" campaigning on behalf of Jill Stein are utterly unremarkable, bog-standard conservatives promoting the MAGA right!

Anyone who was baffled by Kyrsten Sinema's "journey" from the Green Party to obnoxious contrarian "independent" doesn't pay attention to what the Green Party is all about. Though in fairness, even at her worst Kyrsten Sinema never came out and actively campaigned on behalf of Donald Trump.

(The politician in question is former Seattle city councilor Kshama Sawant, who was elected under the banner of the Trotskyist-Socialist "Socialist Alternative" party but, in true splitter fashion, has broken away to form two new organizations -- "Workers Strike Back" and the "Revolutionary Workers" party).


Alex I. said...

Sawant makes Sinema seem positively principled and statesmanlike. She was my representative my first four years in Seattle, and... frankly, she's not at all better than Trump, on any dimension.

Ben said...

I remember this asshole from her failed attempt to extort Amazon for a massive head tax and her even more abject failure to get Seattle to ban law enforcement exchanges with Israeli police. Not shocked that she found toxic slime below the bottom of her barrel.