"Do you have any plans?" "Not really, just having a lazy weekend."
I cannot count the number of times I've had this conversation. I love lazy weekends. I like sleeping in and just vegging on the couch with my wife more than 99.9% of possible "activities" I could plan out in the wider world.
This weekend is set to be a wonderful lazy weekend. We have no major tasks to do, no major outings planned. We might grab brunch and drop something off at the post office. I'll watch football. She'll probably play Mario Kart.
On Monday, we go to hospital to begin an induction. When we return, we'll have a baby. He will bring joy, and laughter, and growth, and no doubt many sleepless nights.
But I suspect we won't be having any lazy weekends for a while.
Goodbye, lazy weekend. You will be missed.
B’sha’ah tovah
Congratulations, Mazel, this blog is great to read (even when the news is honest and therefore terrible) and I wish you and your family all the best.
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